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American Heart Association Certification in BLS Basic Life Support, CPR, ACLS Advance Cardio Life support, PALS Pediatric Advance Life Support, First Aid, BLS Renewal, ACLS Renewal and PALS Renewal in North Central Florida, Massachusetts, Northern and Central New Jersey, Queens New York, Long Island and Westchester New York, Connecticut and Dallas-Fort Worth and San-Antonio Texas.
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New Jersey | New York | Texas

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Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid CPR AED
Course is designed to meet the regulatory requirements for child care workers in all 50 United States. It teaches child care providers and others to respond to and manage illnesses and injuries in a child or infant in the first few minutes until professional help arrives. The course covers the Four Steps of Pediatric First Aid and modules in:
Pediatric First Aid
Child/Infant CPR AED
Asthma Care Training
The modular classroom-based course is designed to be flexible and allow Instructors to teach either Pediatric First Aid, CPR AED or both.
Pediatric first aid basics
Illnesses and injuries (topics include but are not limited to)
Bleeding and bandaging
Allergic reactions
How to use an epinephrine pen
Bites and stings
CPR AED and choking
CPR and AED for children
How to help a choking child
CPR for infants
How to help a choking infant
CPR and AED for adults (optional)
How to help a choking adult (optional)
Camp counselors
Child care workers
Foster care workers
Others responsible for children including parents, grandparents, babysitters and guardians
Youth group leaders