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Newborn Care Specialist/ Baby Nurse Online Certification
Test out online are for indivudals who have the background and knowledge about Newborn care and may pass the exit exams, you can take our online test out exam and be certified. After passing the 20 items test, after passing, you can print your completion certificate. We will also mail your complete packet as a newborn care specialist with your certification.
Our Newborn Care Specialist class is a 2 day course. Class includes Live and Video leactures, hands on and actual scenario trainings about taking care of a Newborn. It is essential that you attend a comprehesive training to be more knowledgable in all areas of newborn care and understand the importance of sleeping, caring, feeding and supporting famlilies during this time.
To be certified made easy.... take the test now
To be certified with our new Test out Online Program, you must pass the Baby Nurse Exams with an average score of 70%. A Handout/ Manual is provided as your self-guided review material. It is advisable to review the manual before taking the test. You only have two attempts to pass the exams or you need to repay. Exam is 20 items, 5 points each, total to 100. You are given one hour and thirty minutes(1:30) to finish the test. After passing, you have the option to print your completion certificate. Your Newborn Care specialist Packet and Certification will be mailed to your mailing address within 7-14 days.
If you are encountering technical issues of accessing the exam, email us and we will get back to you as soon as we can. For faster assistance call 201-2227720.
NCS Certification Synergy Healthcare provides:
Newborn Care Specialist (Basic Certification)
This is a certification for indivuduals who have attended NCS class and pass our exit exam or people who opted to take the test out online exam and pass the exams maximum of 2 attempts.
Requirements: Pass the test out exam maximum of 2 attempts. Your can print your online certificate after the test. We will also mail your Certificate of Course Completion as a Newborn care specialist via mail to your mailing address within 7-14 days within USA and 14-30 days outside USA.
Newborn Care Nurse Specialist (Baby Nurse Certification)
This is a certification for individuals who have Bachelor in Science of Nursing (BSN), Registered Nurse (RN), Practical Nurse(PN) License (US or International License are acceptable), attended NCS class, pass our exit exam or opted to take the test out online exam and pass the exams maximum of 2 attempts. Individuals with this type of credentials may work with families who have babies dealing with medical challenges including prematurity, genetic disorders or other life-threatening risks medical conditions.
*The Term "baby nurse" CAN ONLY APPLY to those carrying a valid nursing license. Please be aware that each state or country has different law requirements to be licensed. Synergy will issue NCNS Certificate base on your exit exam as a newborn care specialist and with the valid license you provided regardless of state or country. We are not responsible on your practice as a nurse. Please check your local state for further verifiation on the use of this title.*
Requirements: Pass the test out exam maximum of 2 attempts. Your can print your online certificate after the test. submit a copy of your valid nurse license on the link below for verification. We will also mail your Certificate of Course Completion as a Newborn care specialist via mail to your mailing address within 7-14 days within USA and 14-30 days outside USA.
NCS/ Baby Nurse ONLINE TEST Out Exam ONLY - $235
NCS/ Baby Nurse Class Certification, Hands-on and Exam - $395
(for more class info see Newborn Care professional page)
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If you are encountering technical issues of accessing the exam, email us and we will get back to you as soon as we can. For faster assistance call 201-2227720.
1. What is a Newborn Care Specialist?
A Newborn Care Specialist is an individual train and skilled in newborn care. She provides expertise in all aspects of newborn care, parental education and support. Her job is to help nurture and care for newborns while providing guidance and education for the parents. She may or may not work with a nanny, endorsing schedules, establishing routine of feeding and sleeping.
2. What Service does a Newborn Care specialist provide?
The primary role of a Newborn Care Specialist is to provide assistance and education after the parents bring the baby home from the hospital. Many times this help will include scheduling, feeding, sleep training, help with breast feeding and more.
Newborn Care Specialists will generally work night shifts managing the baby’s care while the parents sleep restfully. Newborn Care Specialist feeds by bottle or brings the baby to the mom for nursing.
During the daytime a Newborn Care Specialist will provide similar care and also strive to create a nurturing and stimulating environment for the baby during waking hours. Both day and night Newborn Care Specialists document the baby’s patterns and keep a log of sleeping, feeding and changing times to assist in transitioning the baby to a regular schedule.
Newborn Care Specialists are generally not responsible for household duties unrelated to the new baby or for the care of other children in the household.
3. What is the difference betweek a baby nurse and Newborn Care Specialist?
A Baby Nurse is a Registered Nurse (RN), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or holds a valid Nursing License from their foreign country. Individuals with this type of background are able to work with families who have babies dealing with medical challenges including prematurity, genetic disorders or other medical conditions that present life-threatening risks to the infant. Many of these newborns require close monitoring and care by a knowledgeable, trained and experienced Baby Nurse when discharged home from the hospital.
There is no national non-profit organization that exists primarily for certification of Newborn Care Specialists. Individual and employers find that there is a need for consistency in credentialing of Newborn Care. To answer this need, we have developed our program using evidence-based practice criteria. The program has been designed for use by Newborn Care Specialist Professionals. The focus of the program is to provide a framework and credentialing process for baby nurses knowledge and independence in the performance of Newborn Care.
We are not an employment agency, but we do have an employment assistance services.
Note: This class is a specialized child care course and is not a medical class and will not prepare for work in a medical facility.